The 1D-average widget can be used to display the average magnitude of a 1D-genomic feature over a specific region set. It is a simple line-profile visualization that can load one or more genomic datasets and implements a simple tooltip that shows the magnitude of the specific data sets.
The 1D-average widget is suitable for any genomic dataset that can be represented using a bigwig file. This includes coverage tracks for Chip-seq experiments, Gro-seq experiments, and features derived from Hi-C data, such as insulation scores.
Snippets are extracted from the respective bigwig file for each entry in the genomic region set, with different window sizes during the preprocessing stage. These snippets are stacked row-wise into a matrix and reduced column-wise to produce a single value per bin.
Snippets are extracted from the respective bigwig file for each entry in the genomic region set during the preprocessing stage. In contrast to the point-region preprocessing, the snippets are defined by each region’s start and end. Before stacking, each snippet is scaled to have the same number of bins. Then they are stacked row-wise into a matrix and reduced column-wise to produce a single value per bin.
The 1D-average widget displays aggregated data sets as a line profile, which plots the specific value for a genomic bin against its relative position with regards to the center. If you hover over the widget, a tooltip is displayed that reads the magnitude of the respective lines.
The 1D-average widget has a single widget control option - called Scale - which allows users to normalize the displayed data to lie between 0
and 1
. This is helpful when comparing multiple features.